Dear Humans, we are updating our database as regards to our members' likes and preferences.

17 May 2023, 09:29
ā“ Dear Humans, we are updating our database as regards to our members' likes and preferences! āœØ šŸ’” Help us find out the most popular influencers and publications in your areas around the world, who do you follow in order to form a comprehensive opinion about crypto in general and various crypto projects in particular. šŸ‘šŸ¼ ā¤ļø Please answer to the following questions in the next 24h, (until May 18, 2023, 10 am utc) by replying to this message: 1. Who are your top #3 international crypto influencers? 2. Which are your top #5 digital/print international press publications? ā¤ļø Thank you, community, Looking forward to your answers! #HumansTogether #MainnetIsComing